The Summit Project is a living memorial which honors the fallen soldiers of Maine. The group's site describes their mission in this way:
“We carry their stone for a hike; We carry their story for a lifetime.” The mission of TSP is to honor our state’s newest war casualties and the faithful spirit of all Mainers. Unlike any project in America, TSP allows Maine communities to honor our fallen heroes through action. Surviving families unearth and donate stones that uniquely represent their loved ones. Volunteers discover the lives of our heroes and then carry these stone and their stories on treks throughout Maine and across the world. We literally share the burden shouldered by our fallen heroes and their families. Each trekker must (1) learn about the fallen hero they choose to honor; (2) carry his/her tribute stone through a physical challenge; and (3) compose a post-event reflection letter addressed to his/her surviving family.
Custom Communications worked with the project's leaders to rebuild the first version of their site into a modern, Wordpress-driven tool which allows them to organize hundreds of volunteers for their multiple events, as well as promote those events and all the work the group does to honor fallen soldiers.
Website Design